Unity: Introduction to the Core UI

Unity: Introduction to the Core UI

You could say I’m pretty green when it comes to knowing my way around the Unity game engine. Come with me on a journey through some core UI elements and a few silly examples, some of which may actually be practical in your next Unity project.

Update Unity Preference

I’m going to do you a real solid. Trust me, you’ll want to update the Playmode tint to a really obnoxious color like #E70C6EFF so that you know for a fact when you are in Play mode. Props to @DJFariel for that tip.


This is something that drove me batshit crazy!


The Obligatory: Hello World

For this simple exercise we are going to use these three Core UI components:

  • Visual UI: These are elements like Button, Image, Text, Toggle, etc.
  • Rect Transform: Rect Transforms are reference points for anchoring, scaling, resizing, and rotation.
  • Canvas: UI elements are children of a canvas. You can have multiple canvases in a single game scene. If you have no canvas but add some other UI GameObject, one will be automatically created and your UI GameObject will become a child of it.

Canvases have three different rendering modes:

  • World Space: The canvas is a flat plane in the Camera scene, but the plane is relative to the camera’s orientation.
  • Screen Space - Camera: The canvas is a flat plane and is always facing the camera.
  • Screen Space - Overlay: UI elements are displayed without reference to a camera.

Since I’m three beers into this post already, I don’t really want to think in a 3-Dimensional space. So let’s render the canvas using Screen Space - Overlay mode.

In a new 2D project, let’s Add a Text object to our scene. GameObject | UI | Text and let’s name it _textHello.


In the Inspector perspective, let’s set the properties of _textHello:

  • Text = Hello World
  • Font = Arial
  • Font size = 35
  • Alignment = horizontal and vertical center
  • Horizontal and Vertical Overflow = Overflow
  • Color = Your choice.


Now let’s run the game and take a look at what we have done so far (notice the obnoxious pink color that overlays the Unity UI around the game scene).


Anybody Know What Time It Is?

Let’s build a digital clock. Add a Text objects to our scene. GameObject | UI | Text and let’s name it _textClock.


In the Inspector perspective, let’s set the properties of _textClock:

  • Text: time will go here
  • Font = Arial
  • Font size = 35
  • Alignment = horizontal and vertical center
  • Horizontal and Vertical Overflow = Overflow
  • Color = Your choice.

Also, we need to set the Rect Transform anchor to middle/center and the Pos Y position to -60.


We want the text of our clock to tell us the current time. To do this, we are going to write a C# script. Create a folder named Scripts create a new C# script called DigitalClock.



using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class DigitalClock : MonoBehaviour
    private Text _clockText;

    void Start ()
        _clockText = GetComponent<Text>();

    void Update () {
        DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
        string hour = LeadingZero(time.Hour);
        string minute = LeadingZero(time.Minute);
        string second = LeadingZero(time.Second);

        _clockText.text = hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;

    string LeadingZero(int timeUnit)
        return timeUnit.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

Now we’ll drag our DigitalClock script to our _textClock GameObject.


When you run the game, you can watch the clock update on the screen.


That’s pretty much a wrap on this basic tutorial there will be more to come on this later. I just got one question:

Do You Know What Time It Is?


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About Dennis Eugene Stepp, Jr.
I passionately deliver innovative software solutions that enhance the customer experience and maximize business value. Building upon over eight years of software engineering experience I assist technologists in architecture, automation, design, implementation, testing, and workflow. I continuously broaden my skills through game development, conference speaking, and networking within the software development community.